Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Complications Associated with Bacterial Vaginosis

.......Hi, it's great to be with you today in order to talk to you a little bit about some of the complications that can occur in women with bacterial vaginosis.

It's really an unusual situation we have in the United States today where we have a syndrome which has been common for the last 100 years and in the year 2000 we are only just beginning to understand how this very common syndrome is actually associated with so many adverse effects in pregnant and non-pregnant women....

....Secondly, new studies have documented that this common vaginal condition is associated with an increased risk of HIV in women.

Third, there's an increasing awareness that bacterial vaginosis is not routinely recognized by either women or their health care providers, and so in a manner of speaking it's emerging into our consciousness....

....And finally, this is a gram stain of a woman with bacterial vaginosis. Here you see complete decimation of the lactobacilli and replacement by anaerobic gram negative rods, cocci, mycoplasmas and other organisms.....

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