Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Molecular Identification Of Bacteria Associated With Bacterial Vaginosis the detection of three newly recognized bacteria that were highly specific for bacterial vaginosis. Subjects for this study were recruited from Marrazzo's Vaginal Health Project and from Public Health-Seattle and King County Sexually Transmitted Disease ( STD ) Clinic....

...Bacterial vaginosis is the most common cause of vaginitis, and the most common reason women seek treatment for vaginal symptoms. The cause of bacterial vaginosis is not known.

In recent years, awareness of the adverse effects of bacterial vaginosis has grown markedly....

...Researchers identified bacteria in samples of vaginal fluid with a combination of broad-range polymerase-chain-reaction ( PCR ) amplification of 16S rDNA with clone analysis, bacterium-specific PCR assay of 16S rDNA, and fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) performed directly on vaginal fluid from 27 subjects with bacterial vaginosis and 46 without the condition...

...Women with bacterial vaginosis have complex vaginal infections with many newly recognized species, including three bacteria in the Clostridiales order that were highly specific for bacterial vaginosis....

Molecular Identification Of Bacteria Associated With Bacterial Vaginosis..Read More


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